Terms of use and privacy policy

Responsible publisher

Company : IDDEA
Director: Alain Servaes
Registered office: Promenade des Ours, 11 – 5300 Andenne
Operating headquarters: Promenade des Ours, 11 – 5300 Andenne
VAT: BE0563837739
Phone: +32 85 760 622
E-mail: info@iddea-be.com
Copyright: © 2024 IDDEA, all rights reserved.
Photos & illustrations: © IDDEA (MEGA)


Web Design | Communication | Graphic Design | App

Rue Joseph Werson 28 A4
4960 Malmedy

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The general structure as well as the content of the site, in particular the texts, photographs, images and sounds, are the exclusive property of « MEGA » throughout the world. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, of this site or its contents, by any process whatsoever, without the express authorization of « MEGA » is prohibited.

The information, pictograms, photographs, images, texts, video sequences, animated, with or without sound, and other documents accessible on the Site are subject to industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, as the case may be, the property of « MEGA » or of third parties who have given « MEGA » limited authorization to use them.

As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or transformation, in whole or in part, or transfer to another site is prohibited. Copying for private use is authorized. Reproduction in whole or in part without the prior written consent of « MEGA » is strictly prohibited.

This site respects copyright. All rights of authors of protected works reproduced and communicated on this site are reserved. Any use of the works other than individual and private reproduction and consultation is prohibited without prior written authorization.

Violation of any of these imperative provisions shall subject the offender, and all persons responsible, to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by law.

Legal notice and conditions of use

Conditions of access to the site:
Any person (hereinafter « the user ») accessing this site (hereinafter « the site ») is presumed to have unconditionally accepted all the provisions and conditions of use of the site.
The site is accessible at any time from anywhere in the world. Users connecting to the site are solely responsible for complying with the legislation and/or regulations in force in their country of residence or the country from which they are connecting to the site.

Modification of these terms of use and applicable law:
The present conditions of use may be modified by the publisher at any time. The conditions of use applicable to any use of the site are those available and published on the site at the time of consultation by the user. The invalidity or non-validity of any provision of these terms of use shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these terms.

Although all information on this site has been carefully checked, it is provided for information purposes only. Under no circumstances can the publisher be held responsible for the accuracy of the information provided, nor can he guarantee that the data is complete, accurate or up-to-date. All information is subject to change, error or omission.
The publisher also disclaims all liability for content originating from third parties to which the site provides hyperlinks.
Finally, the publisher declines all responsibility and excludes all guarantees in the event of interruption or malfunction of the site. Nor can the publisher be held liable for any direct or indirect damage that the user may incur as a result of accessing or using the site.

Privacy and data protection

The site collects personal data relating to its users within the framework described below. The data collected is solely that provided by the user himself when using these services, with the exception of the IP address, which is additionally recorded when commenting on a blog post.

1. The contact form allows Internet users to contact us. We use your data for e-mail exchanges. However, to avoid losing a message, the form data is stored in a database. As we comply with legislation and the RGPD, we have set up a system for deleting your data after 90 days. You can also request manual deletion of your data via aservaes@armyrecognition.com

2. The form for adding your e-mail address to the newsletter list. This data is not automatically added to our list. A « double opt-in » system has been set up, which means that the Internet user will still have to manually accept this addition after receiving an e-mail sent automatically. It will be possible, at any time, to unsubscribe from this list from e-mails received subsequently. You can also request manual deletion of your data at aservaes@armyrecognition.com.

3. Cookies (see next point).

In accordance with the Belgian law of December 8, 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data and, from May 25, 2018, with European Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), users whose data has been collected have the right to consult this data, request its correction or, if necessary, its deletion. Users may also object to the processing of data concerning them. These rights may be exercised by sending a written request by e-mail to aservaes@armyrecognition.com or by post to Rue Promenade des Ours, 11 – 5300 Andenne.

Complaints concerning breaches of the Belgian rules applicable to the protection of personal data on this Website may be addressed to the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy, at commission@privacycommission.be.


A « cookie » is a small file stored on your computer’s hard drive when you visit a site or view an advertisement. These cookies are used to improve your user experience by proposing services or offers corresponding to your centers of interest. You can refuse their use at any time by configuring your Internet browser.

The nature and purpose of the cookies used by the site are detailed below. Some cookies are necessary for certain technical functions of the website and will only be stored for a limited period.

Types of cookies used

• Audience measurement
Audience measurement tools are deployed to obtain information about visitors’ browsing habits. Their purpose is to analyze site browsing behavior for optimization purposes.

• Social buttons
Our site may contain third-party applications. This may be the case with buttons/links to social networks (such as the « Share » and « Like » buttons from social networks such as Facebook and Twitter). We therefore invite you to consult their cookie management and privacy protection policies.

• Advertising
These are cookies used on or off our site to show you advertisements or send you information tailored to your interests. Advertising cookies are used in particular to limit the number of times you see an ad and to help us measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

Deleting your MEGA Army account

The MEGA Army app gives you the option of deleting your account at any time.

To do so, go to Settings (icon above right-hand side of main screen), then click on « My account » and then on « Delete my account ».

You will then need to enter the password associated with your account and validate the operation.

Once this has been done, all data linked to your account will be instantly deleted from the application’s database, and it will no longer be possible to retrieve this information.

No associated data will be saved in the system.

MEGA App: User Agreement and Policy Guidelines

Welcome to MEGA, the advanced military equipment identification app. To ensure a smooth and compliant experience for all our users, please carefully review the following rules of use and policies:

Ownership and Rights of Uploaded Images:

As a user, you must ensure that any picture you upload to the MEGA app is either your own property or you have the necessary rights to use it. This means the image should be either taken by you or free from any copyright restrictions.

By uploading a picture to the MEGA app, you acknowledge and agree that the ownership of the image is transferred to our company. This transfer of ownership is irrevocable and includes all rights attached to the image.

Use of Images:

Once an image is uploaded to our server, it becomes the property of our company. We reserve the right to use these images for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. This may include, but is not limited to, improving our AI algorithms, marketing materials, or any other use deemed fit by our company.

Data Privacy and Security:

We are committed to the highest standards of data privacy and security. While we claim ownership of the images, we assure you that any personal data or sensitive information will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy and relevant data protection laws.

Prohibited Content:

Users must not upload images that are illegal, offensive, or violate any laws or regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, images that are violent, discriminatory, or infringe on intellectual property rights.

Liability and Indemnification:

Users are solely responsible for the images they upload. Our company will not be liable for any legal issues arising from the ownership or rights of the uploaded images. Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless our company from any claims, damages, or expenses arising from their uploaded content.

Changes to Policy:

Our company reserves the right to modify these rules and policies at any time. Continued use of the MEGA app after such changes constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

By using the MEGA app, you agree to adhere to these guidelines. Our goal is to provide a secure and efficient service that benefits all our users and contributes to the advancement of military technology and intelligence.